Thursday, August 29, 2013

Braxton Hicks, Nervous Ticks, and Preparing for Baby's Arrival

We've entered into Week 39 of my first pregnancy and each day is still bringing in something new or something painful - most of the time both! While I want my little girl to hold out at least another week and hopefully a few days after that even so her father can finish his work training for his promotion, I am also getting very antsy and anxious to meet her. I feel like I've been waiting on her forever! But I'm sure every pregnant mommy-to-be feels the same.
Little London's room is ready for her arrival and so am I!
So, while I power through these Braxton Hicks contractions how am I supposed to keep myself entertained? Thankfully I've got my Mom and Dad staying with me so I'm not completely alone inside my own head. My Mom's even been helping with the housework and cooking so I can really take it easy. (I know I'm going to miss all the help when my little girl is here!) Thanks Mom!

I am realizing that as I set out to write this post I really didn't have a plan as far as tips, tricks, or information to pass on. This one was really just to write as I find that relaxing (and my husband has asked me for a new post to read! Hi Buby!). Sometimes a blog post is just a blog post and it's for no one else other than the writer. I do promise to have plenty of information and observations that I'll pass on as I continue on down the Mommy Blogger road.

Right now, the only information I have is to make sure you have done all your pre-hospital stay preparations done. Those things include:

  1. Install the Infant Car Seat - And remember that most, if not all, hospitals won't let you leave with your little one unless you have one!
  2. Pack Your Hospital Bag - There's no way to really know what you'll need at the hospital and frankly most will be provided to you including diapers and the like. But a simple Google search will give you hundreds of "fool-proof" lists to follow for what you could need. My husband and I have a small duffle (I realize I have no idea how to spell that and spell check doesn't seem to know what I mean.) bag packed with some toiletry items, a coming-home outfit for my little girl, and a change of clothes for the both of us. 
  3. Map Out Your Route - Most likely you won't be the one taking yourself to the hospital, and if you're like me my husband won't be the one taking me either. So, making sure you have the map printed out or at least the address written down so you can plug it into your phone's GPS is a no-brainer. My parents and I actually drove the route last weekend so it wouldn't be completely unfamiliar with the inevitable rush to the hospital panic ensued. 
  4. REST! - I can not put the emphasis on resting enough. Sleep as often as you can, take naps, stay off your feet and just take it easy. I've heard it a hundred times and I'm sure you have to - once that baby comes it's not about you anymore and you will be on the move pretty consistently. I am more than grateful to have my family and friends around me to support me in every way that they can. It takes a huge weight off my shoulders and helps me focus on all the exciting and tiring things to come!
Got any major things that I should add to the list? You can find pretty extensive lists with a little searching but for me, this is the bare essentials list before your little one makes their grand debut! Who knows? My next post may be about the exciting process itself of bringing home baby London! We'll see....

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading this, Stephanie, and I am so excited for you! You'll be glad you took the time to blog now, because you won't have time later! I'm glad your parents are with you, and I hope your husband makes it home in time! Frieda Posey
